Los héroes

Paperback, 884 pages

Spanish language

Published March 25, 2015 by Alianza Editorial, S.A..


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5 stars (1 review)

Cuentan que Dow el Negro ha llegado al trono del Norte subiendo una montaña de calaveras. Mientras, el rey de la Unión ha decidido que hay que pararle los pies y sus ejércitos ya han invadido el Norte. Miles de hombres están convergiendo en un antiguo círculo de rocas –los Héroes–, en un valle anónimo que se convertirá en escenario de una de las batallas más sangrientas que el Norte ha presenciado. Al mismo tiempo, los dos bandos están infestados de intrigas, rencillas y envidias, que hacen el final imprevisible

8 editions

Review of 'Heroes' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was the first Joe Abercrombie book I read.
His can be an acquired taste for those used to the Black & White world of many fantasies (nothing wrong with them, just saying). It can be hard to pick someone to attach your heart to in Abercrombie's tales... but I found someone in this book... and then he died a most tragic death. I mourned for three days. Honestly. Each time I picked this book up for three days after reading that death all I could think was "I don't care, ***'s dead. I just don't care any more."
So, no, I didn't finish my reading experience with wholehearted satisfaction, but with a satisfaction, nonetheless.

And a hunger for more...