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Sea of Tranquility (Hardcover, 2022, Knopf) 5 stars

Edwin St. Andrew is eighteen years old when he crosses the Atlantic by steamship, exiled …


5 stars

I found this touching and hopeful, I liked how poignantly the characters were drawn, and the themes of kindness and the vicissitudes of life.

My main complaint was that I think the simulation theory stuff was basically an unnecessary macguffin and didn't add to the themes (at least as far as they interested me).

Baking and Pastry (Hardcover, 2009, J. Wiley) 3 stars

A bit of a letdown

3 stars

I found this book a little disappointing because of how it's organized and how much of baking it tries to cover. It starts out with a ton of information about baking as a profession, tools, and technical information about baking (like tables of different gelling agents, and bread techniques and terminology). All of that information is really good, well curated, and clear, but I wished that the techniques specific to certain kinds of baking were placed with the recipes, rather than all together at the beginning. It also spends a lot of time, understandably, on professional bread techniques, and a lot less on pastry techniques. It feels at times like a bread book with some pastry recipes included.

There are tons of recipes, but often they are variants on a theme (like banana, chocolate, or lacenut tuiles) but no basic recipe and no information on how to modify the recipe …

Strange and Stubborn Endurance (2022, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 3 stars

Not for me

3 stars

This really didn't do it for me! I think part of that is that I'm not wild about romances and this was a romance. A big complaint for me is that the romantic leads behave so constantly and consistently we've-been-to-therapy correctly towards each other that I found their interactions tedious and didactic. It felt moralizing to me ("observe, this is the correct way to handle an emotion"), but I think it was intended to be more of a wish fulfillment love story ("imagine if you dated someone this emotionally mature"). Also everyone is described as being super hot and I did not enjoy that.

The heroes behaved perfectly in every situation and the villains were over-the-top horrible in every situation, and even though the moral stakes were ones I agree with (don't sexually assault people, don't be homophobic, don't murder people), I was put off by the black-and-white-ness of the …

Some Desperate Glory (2023, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 stars

All her life Kyr has trained for the day she can avenge the murder of …

Dark but not heavy

5 stars

This book really stuck with me after reading it. I had to stop reading it before bed because I would stay up too late reading it, which is a trait I cherish in a book and is also hard to pull off in a book with such heavy themes -- brainwashing, abuse, reproductive coercion, war,.... And the characters were so well articulated. I really live for books where characters seem like actual humans who are capable of being really truly horrible to each other and also capable of kindness and growth.

Darryl (Clash Books) 5 stars

Darryl Cook is a man who seems to have everything: a quiet home in Western …

SO funny

5 stars

I really got such a kick out of this, Ess does an amazing job of writing from the perspective of a character who is kind of a nightmare in way that is self-aware and captures the facepalm-type thoughts of this guy in a way that's funny and realistic. The only thing I wasn't sure about was the ending, and I can't put my finger on exactly why. I guess it felt a little like it gives the reader a moral comeuppance in a way read to me as a little too neat? But I would not let that deter you.

Temporary (2020, Coffee House Press) 5 stars

A young woman's workplace is the size of the world. She fills increasingly bizarre placements …

Strange and clever

5 stars

I loved this! it was weird, dreamlike, and unexpected. The writing is so smart and witty, and the story manages to be both surreal and tangible. Without any spoilers, I couldn't have fathomed how to end a story like this but I loved the ending. This is the first book in a while that I walked down the street reading because I didn't want to put it down.

A Winter's Promise (Hardcover, 2018) 5 stars

Volume 1 of The Mirror Visitor Quartet

Winner of the Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire

Where …

like re-reading a childhood favorite

5 stars

I think on some spiritual level, even though this wasn't published until I was an adult, I feel like I read and loved this as a young teen. Reading it now felt like wrapping myself in the coziest blanket of imaginary nostaliga. I stayed up late reading this and read it instead of doing other things I needed to do. It's been a very long time since I have felt this immersed in a world.

It reminded me a little of The Goblin Emperor in its depth of humanity, and its portrayal of cruelty that doesn't make light of it, and, weirdly, I feel like there's some backstory parallels with Gideon the Ninth, although it couldn't be more differently tonally.

There were times were I did find it a little moralizing, and when the writing rang a bit off, but I loved it very much and if you don't …

The Vegetarian Flavor Bible (Hardcover, 2014) 5 stars

Throughout time, people have chosen to adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet for a variety …


5 stars

If I could only own one cookbook, it would be this, which isn't actually a cookbook, but rather an encyclopedia of what flavors go with what. I have one ingredient in mind that I'm excited to bake with, and I can look it up and get a comprehensive list of what will go well with it. A particularly good outcome was bread with preserved lemons, fennel seeds, and green olives.

Vegan Meat Cookbook (2021, Ten Speed Press) 4 stars

If you're really into fake meat, this is for you

4 stars

This whole cookbook reminds me of a recipe note in Veganomicon, which advises the reader not to bother serving it to omnivores, and "save this for appreciative vegetarians and vegans." If you're not already pumped about fake meat, skip this.

Most of the book is recipes for meals which include fake meat. The ones I made were pretty good! I generally find that I add more seasoning and fat than she suggests, and of the recipes I've added to my rotation, I don't make any of them exactly as written.

I've been living off the batches of the chili for weeks, with some added veggies and almost twice as much chili powder.

Usually I get recipes intended to have meat in them and do substitutions, which works fine for me, but it was fun to cook from recipes that are on the same page as me from the outset. …

The Witness for the Dead (2021, Tor Books) 4 stars

A standalone novel in the fantastic world of Katherine Addison's award-winning The Goblin Emperor.

When …

a beautiful world to exist in

4 stars

This was one of those books that when it ended, I missed getting to be in the world. It has a kind of understated, slice-of-life feel, with a lot of detail and reverence paid to the minutia of daily life and community relationships, that felt more prominent to me than the murder mysteries. Addison writes with an immense amout of compassion and tenderness, and for me that is what makes this book, and The Goblin Emperor, transcend what they would be on their face, in terms of plot.

The writing style drops you into the cultural nuances of the society largely without explanation, and you can infer, for example, what different honorifics mean through context. I really really like this and I think overall its very well done, but I think it would be more daunting if I hadn't already read The Goblin Emperor, and there were some …

Inanna, Lady of Largest Heart (2001, University of Texas Press) 2 stars

The earliest known author of written literature was a woman named Enheduanna, who lived in …

Very interesting material, not so interesting book

2 stars

The subject matter of this book is fascinating but I found the book itself disorganized and not terribly well written, and the author seems to be projecting intensely onto Enheduanna from scant evidence.

While I don't know anything about Sumer, I found a lot of her scholarship kinda fishy, and frankly it had a bit of TERF-y smell (although that might just be a second-wave-feminist smell that has developed a bad association for me).