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Witch King (EBook, 2023, Tom Doherty Associates, LLC) 4 stars

Kai-Enna is the Witch King, though he hasn’t always been, and he hasn’t even always …

Murder Demon

4 stars

The only other books by Martha Wells that I've read are the Murderbot Diaries, so it's pretty hard for me not to view it through that lens.

Which is unfair on the book, because it is entirely its own thing.

But also carries a lot of Murderbot DNA.

There's the conversational style, the same exasperated, hyper-confident protagonist with a prickly exterior but a heart of gold...

But Kai is also more openly vulnerable, more open with his friends and much more DTF.

Plot-wise it suffers from the same issues I have with the MBDs. The overarching story wasn't compelling, I don't really understand the stakes or the politics, at least not for the bulk of the book. So it was hard to get invested. But it doesn't matter because the whole thing is really just a framework to hang the individual set pieces on and, man, Wells is amazing on …

The Final Empire (2006, Tor) 4 stars

This is a fantasy heist novel, where a band of thieves attempt to overthrow an …

Review of 'The Final Empire (Mistborn, #1)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I can't say I wasn't entertained, but somehow I wasn't 100% sold. The characters were relatable, and I liked the general comradery of the main characters.

It was a good change from my usual fare, even though the magic system (which was cool) felt a bit too much like science fiction with it's many rules and identifiable patterns.

The Gloaming (Hardcover, Harvill Secker) 5 stars

Review of 'The Gloaming' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

My favourite thing about Logan's writing is how she contrasts the soft edges of the fantastical with hard reality. This is not "magical realism", but a heartbreaking and down to earth love story, but there are cracks where the magic leaks out, which makes it all the more powerful.

Fall; or, Dodge in Hell is a 2019 speculative fiction novel by American author Neal …

Review of 'Fall; or, Dodge in Hell' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I think I see what Stephenson is trying to do here, but I just can't.

Like not even.

It's slow, plodding, and introduces new characters so often that it feels like a G.R.R Martin spin off.

The central idea is somewhat interesting, but, look Neal, if you want to write a fantasy book, write a fucking fantasy book, don't tack on some weird contrivance that just confuses everything!

Anyway, I gave up about the 700 page mark, because I realised that having this monstrosity hanging over me was hurting my desire to read anything at all.

Edges (EBook, 2019, Mythic Island Press LLC) 5 stars

Deception Well is a world on the edge, home to an isolated remnant surviving at …

Review of 'Edges' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Iain Banks' death still hits me every now and then. At least to me, he wrote with a singular optimism. Horrible things were done by horrible people, but there was always the pervading idea that sensibility and kindness were what made a civilisation thrive.

So, I've been chasing that dragon since he passed. I was recommended [a:Alastair Reynolds|51204|Alastair Reynolds|], and while I loved his take on sci-fi, I found his characters mostly petty and overly cruel. So I still haven't found anything that hit that high.

But [b:Edges|43483913|Edges|Linda Nagata||67627795] comes pretty damn close.

It has its weak points: the characterisation isn't great; there are perhaps too many convenient coincidences to drive the plot; and some ideas seem a little "unfleshed". But it still really got to me, got me excited about reading again, excited about science fiction, and even a little optimistic about humanity. The people in this …

Skinner Luce (2016) 4 stars

"Every year when the deep cold of winter sets in, unbeknownst to humanity, dangerous visitors …

Review of 'Skinner Luce' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A really engaging read. The "Aliens" were not at all what I imagined they would be going in. The only downside is that it feels like it becomes a bit more conventional sci-fi at the end, and the story gives up many of its secrets. But, luckily it stops short from giving them all up.

Grunts! (1995, Roc) 4 stars

Review of 'Grunts!' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Second time through this, and it was an interesting experience. On the one hand, not being 14 anymore, I got many more of the references. But I also found a lot of humour fell very flat. It was not anywhere near as funny as I remember... It switches from outright farce to gritty dark comedy too quickly, which makes it really hard to nail town the tone.

However, as a concept it's great and well worth reading just for the exploration of what it actually be like to be an orc in a dark horde... too bad I just found it tonally all over place, but your mileage may vary.