Reviews and Comments


Joined 1 year ago

I love sci-fi and fantasy and anything that spans the genres. I adore Terry Pratchett and his writing, especially the Discworld. I would love to impress a dragon on Pern. I also enjoy crime stuff.

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Trees (2022, Influx Press) 5 stars

The Trees is a page-turner that opens with a series of brutal murders in the …


5 stars

is it a spoiler to say the ending was a disappointment? Luckily the writing is so awesome I'm going to give it a reread soon so maybe the ending will grow on me. A book about death, lynching and racism that makes you laugh out loud, that's a tall order but The Trees manages this. Read it. I'm going to work my way through the rest of the vast body of work of this author hoping for equally compelling reads

All the Lies They Did Not Tell (Hardcover, 2022, Amazon Crossing) 5 stars

The accusations. The suspicions. The devastating impact. This is the true story of the Devils …


5 stars

gripping story of lies and consequences, and terrible terrible behaviour from the medical profession and the authorities. The end of the book made me cry. It's genuinely awful. But a fascinating read covering psychology and the way we imagine truth, and how we can not only misremember things or not remember accurately, but even create our own false memories.

The Nightwatchman (EBook, Lume Books) 4 stars

Gabriel Shaw has a photographic memory.

But not much else.

Working as a security guard …

Disappointing ending (no spoilers)

4 stars

No spoilers, the book is entertaining, dark and thrilling. I liked the plot and the constant guessing about truth and lies interwoven with the idea of a photographic memory. I found the ending rather a cop out though. Worth a read anyway.

A Sorrow Named Joy (EBook, 2022) 4 stars

Joy desires nothing more than her husband's happiness. She spends her days creating the perfect …

A sweet tale

4 stars

Content warning Mild spoilers

The prey (2013, Simon & Schuster Children's) 2 stars

For Gene and the remaining humans, or hepers, death is just a heartbeat away. On …

Oh dear

2 stars

It feels unfair to review a book I just couldn't finish. But the writing style was just ... I'm not sure, naïve? it felt like reading a teenager's homework. The use of similes was so over powering after a while it was all I could see, everything was 'like' something else. Finally unable to cope, I bailed. Back to the charity shop my copy goes.

The Perfect Couple (Paperback, 2021, One More Chapter) 1 star

Triggers for everything. What an infuriating read.

1 star

Content warning the whole plot - and my rage

Galaxy (2022, DC Comics) 5 stars

Every day in Taylor Barzelay’s life might seem perfect…but every day is torture. Taylor is …

Love love loved this - where is the rest!!!?

5 stars

A gorgeously illustrated story about an alien forced to live as the opposite gender to her own to hide on earth away from some evil beings. The book addresses the stress of living a constant lie. The graphics are beautiful and the story is touching and fun with some adorable diverse characters. I am really hoping for more as it ends on a cliff hanger (a happy one though!) extra points for genetically modified corgi. very cute!

Death by honeymoon (2011, [publisher not identified]) 3 stars

On the rugged, wild, eastern shore of Barbados, Cindy and Clint are enjoying their dream …

Started strong, fizzled out

3 stars

It was a compelling read initially but then the lead character began making frankly bizarre decisions and acting in stupid ways so that I just started despising her and her foolishness. And then, all of a sudden the entire thing was wrapped up and completed in a few pages. It felt as though the author got as fed up with the story as I did and decided enough was enough. There are more in the series and I will not be reading them. Had great potential which it sadly failed to live up to.

Jingo (DiscWorld) (Paperback, 1998, Corgi) 5 stars

It isn't much of an island that rises up one moonless night from the depths …

A joy

5 stars

Just a joy. Rereading it today still felt very current, and as always I found some proper laugh out loud moments.

"Odd thing, ain't it... you meet people one at a time, they seem decent, they got brains that work, and then they get together and you hear the voice of the people. And it snarls.”

“Sergeant Colon had had a broad education. He’d been to the School of My Dad Always Said, the College of It Stands to Reason, and was now a postgraduate student at the University of What Some Bloke In the Pub Told Me.”

“Colon looked awkward, as if the bunched underwear of the past was tangling itself in the crotch of recollection.”