Beautiful lies (2006, Shaye Areheart Books) 4 stars

If Ridley Jones had slept ten minutes later or had taken the subway instead of …

Review of 'Beautiful lies' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Overall, I enjoyed this read. I think its main draw would have to be the sexy Jake - that's certainly how it came to be on my reading list - "You have to read this book. The main guy is Hot!", so I did.
In fact, I've read it a few times. I love taking a ride with Ridley as her fears grow and she and Jake argue and make up. It's fun trip.
What I didn't like: the whole premise of the book is based on Jake finding Ridley because her photo was plastered all over the media after she rescues a kid from a potential accident. However, as she is on her way out of her apartment, prior to said rescue, she stops to talk to her elderly neighbour, who complains about the new guy who has just moved in upstairs making too much noise. Later, this would appear to be Jake... So, I am confused. Had he actually found her BEFORE the rescue? I'm pretty sure that later in the book he says that he found her because of the media coverage. Since everything that happens in the book is meant to begin because of the rescue and resulting media coverage, I think it would be important to get the timeline right! If I am mistaken, please correct me!
Other than that, there were a few typos in the edition I read (eg. 'break' instead of 'brake' during a car chase), but on the whole it was a nice read. I still give it four stars because I really DID enjoy reading it a great deal. Twice... ok, maybe 4 times.