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heavyboots Locked account

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Daughter of Doctor Moreau (2022, Random House Publishing Group) No rating

Well done if not my cup of tea

No rating

This isn’t that bad a book by any means but I do think you need to want to read something from this genre to fully enjoy it and unfortunately that isn’t really me. I will say that it was well enough executed that I still finished it and mildly enjoyed it though. If I was more into magical realism and Gabriel García Márquez I’d have enjoyed it a lot more tho.

reviewed Hopeland by Ian Mcdonald

Hopeland (2023, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom, Tor Books) 4 stars

Kind of meh for me

3 stars

I am a huge fan of most of Ian McDonald's stuff, but unfortunately this one hit kind of flat and was a major struggle to finish.

I had a little trouble with the whole magical reality aspect of the book, for starters. It seemed incredibly present in the first section, and then largely disappeared into the background until near the end, so it felt rather jarring when it returned after so long.

Also, the whole Hopeland thing wasn't quite strongly enough envisioned for me to get a handle on it?

Honestly, this may largely be me. Like I said, I had a lot of trouble connecting to this book and the characters so I might have just drifted off and lost details that are actually obviously there.

But that's my 2¢ FWIW…